Monday, February 16, 2009

Bathroom Experience though provoking

Usually when I enter in to bathroom to take a shower and start a tap.As Waters pour in to bucket, same time lots of thoughts start titillating my mind.I am used to spend lot of time in bathroom.

I would like to share one incident that kept me thinking till I finished up with my shower.
After my thinking session at bathroom I just took a tub to start my bathing session,And I saw the tub which I took to clean my body was little dirty.I surprised with an anger how many days I have used this tub for bathing? and I stopped and start thinking one more serious issue.

We used to interpret our logic and take decision on the basis of the fact that we are gathering but what if our Tub is muddy,Will we ever able to take right decision?

News Paper we read, New we saw,Movies which use to enjoy,subject that we studied.We all know everything is bias in current situation.

After this thought I have decide not to take decision on the basis of one magazine or a news paper or TV news.We must have to raise an eyebrow on each every dubious situation.

Until we don't have clean Tub ,I don't think we can get cleaned.

Yes During bachelors I have never even seen what the tub is look a like.Have used more then 100 different tubs ( I was living in a hostel and My Bucket and tub was stolen in my first year after that I had never had a tub or bucket of my own :) ).
But after the 3 years of Bachelors , now life is really getting in shape.
Sense of responsibiity is growing inner within .....

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