I am not writing this to promote any web hosting services or promote any cheap domain selling company so you can read further ;)
I found one good trick to get a better prices on web hosting services and cheap domains. I found it by just getting in touch with various web hosting services and domain name providers.
Here is a tip for getting cheap web hosting or cheap web domain name
- First Discover top 5 web hosting service provider within your budget Limit
- visit websites for all these web hosting provider and check packages.
- Finally you will come to know which are good for your requirement.
- Now do not buy any web hosting or domain in hurry.
- Do one thing Register your self in all these provider fill details, Search your domains.
- Not necessary but try to chat with sales executives.
- Once you come at the payment Page just withdraw your request and close the page.
- Now you wonder why ?
Now see the magic , with in few days... This is really true and happened to me frequently. And now I always do this.. With in a week you will get many calls and mails regarding 20-40% discount in package on the package you were interested or on your domain.
:) Selling a domain and web hosting is like a race and consumer can be a real winner.
This is tried and tested method , I always get web hosting on my price by this steps.
Domain registration has very low margin so you will be able to get discount around 10-20% only. And in Web hosting sometime you can even get 50% discount even after use of Promo Code
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