Lets Nurture Company is registered in UK now, So I am now CEO & Director or whatsoever citation I can use.. on the ground my duties, liabilities are the same.
Still I am living in random world and in true measure I have not yet set any goal for achievement in terms of business or finance and I believe neither I will.
Yes I am checking all options where Lets Nurture become conglomerate instead of remain in IT or Outsourcing. Service industry is very good for me because I like to be servant by nature :) that true.
2011 year is suppose to be a year of change and year of sunshine for letsnurture. Need to gather more energy on writing up some business plan and setting up finance for it. There are some exciting ideas are in mind ( surely not money oriented some of them are only for service) so , have to figure out how it is feasible enough in short future.
So , thats all for this post.. Last 1 month was full of good news, Indian won, Lets Nurture registered, Birth day party of one good friend, moved to new location and after a long delay many web sites are redesigned now. :)
Still I am living in random world and in true measure I have not yet set any goal for achievement in terms of business or finance and I believe neither I will.
Yes I am checking all options where Lets Nurture become conglomerate instead of remain in IT or Outsourcing. Service industry is very good for me because I like to be servant by nature :) that true.
2011 year is suppose to be a year of change and year of sunshine for letsnurture. Need to gather more energy on writing up some business plan and setting up finance for it. There are some exciting ideas are in mind ( surely not money oriented some of them are only for service) so , have to figure out how it is feasible enough in short future.
So , thats all for this post.. Last 1 month was full of good news, Indian won, Lets Nurture registered, Birth day party of one good friend, moved to new location and after a long delay many web sites are redesigned now. :)